Whitetail season here in the Midwest has certainly come and gone. For some that might mean moving on to turkey season, but for those of you who are serious about whitetails you understand next year’s successes get their start right now.
A healthy whitetail herd depends upon great nutrition year around and given the barren nature of the food supply in February and March it is up to you to provide what the animals need most. This is where frost seeding comes into play.
There are a variety of frost seeding mixtures on the market, all designed to provide food during this cold, wet time of year.
“The perfect time of year to frost seed is when the snow is melting and the weather offers a Freeze, Thaw, Freeze, Thaw pattern…generally February or March,” says Mike Lindahl of Antler King. “This allows the small clover and chicory seeds to work their way down and receive the seed to soil contact they need.”
Frost seeding isn’t just and every now and again thing. The key for success is consistently offering a food source for your whitetails.
“Frost seeding helps me keep clover plots for an extremely long time. I have kept some for 8 years,” said Jason Cleveland Broker / Owner of Trophy Properties and Auction. “I have a select handful of food plots I keep food in 365 days a year and that is where frost seeding really helps make the transition from winter to spring.”
During the winter month every hunter knows if you can find the food you will find the whitetails. The same is true for the spring. If you are frost seeding on your property you can draw deer in from other areas with less food density. Sounds like a good idea too me.
With frost seeding on the minds of many, Trophy Properties and Auction has teamed up with Antler King to give you a chance to win one of three frost seeding packages. Don’t forget to check out the details so you can enter to win.